
I Need You - Eiko Shimamiya at Listal

i`m like Eiko-chan so much!!!!! She`s a beauty and great singer) waaa, i wanna be like a she`s!
unfortunate, i`m not a great in singing, and for sure not so cute...

a, it`s first song , which i heard from Eiko-chan)) i think, it`s great clip, i like it)

Eiko Shimamiya - Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni PV at Listal

and it`s last song from Eiko-chan, which i heard. It`s my favorite song from she`s.

Eiko Shimamiya - Wheel of Fortune (Unmei no Wa) at Listal

sorry from my bad english, everyone T_T

@темы: музыкальное

15.09.2009 в 00:33

I'm not sure, that your voice much worse, than her. it's computer effects on 50% , but you vioce in natural. and if she's good looking,it's not mean,than she's cut, you good looking too and it's difrent.
15.09.2009 в 18:35

Somoff )) время покажет